Husband boiling mad over my phone not ringing

So my morning has started off bad for no necessary reason. My husband usually calls when he’s almost at work to make sure I am awake. I leave to take my kiddo to my moms literally an hour later. (7:15/7:20) a 20 minute drive and then my work is about 6 mins from there and I don’t have to be there until 8:30. This morning I answer my phone and my husband is absolutely going off saying I made him late for work because I didn’t answer, and how if he came all the way back home I “wouldn’t have liked it” screaming telling me I needed to answer my phone and get up and how “done” he is with me. Ummm. Done with marriage because you know my phone has not been alerting me of text messages a lot nor ringing?? It didn’t show one missed call from him. My phone was up max volume by the way. Not saying he didn’t call but my phone has really been crazy.. and he is fully aware because he witnessed it the other day. I don’t see how I deserve to be cussed at and divorce threatened over a damn phone and resting until we had to go?! Am I missing something here... just wow. To top it off now he is ignoring my text 🤔😂 he is 38 not 13!! I told him technology isn’t my fault.