To the girl that posted about her narcissistic husband 23min ago!

Dealing with narcissists is the worst. You constantly have to walk on eggshells around them, extreme double standards everywhere - you said it yourself you called him a loser and he stated how no one should offend him in any way, yet he proceeded to call you multiple names. I bet it's the same pattern everywhere.

I don't know how to help you. The best thing you can do is leave him, because it can only get worse. Narcissists are usually highly abusive to their partners (emotionally, physically and financially if given the opportunity). I am not telling you to leave your husband because I have absolutely no right to say that.

I'm telling you to think about it and think if you can tolerate this for the rest of your life. If you can put up with overanalyzing any and every situation/scenario just to not get on his bad side. If you can live the rest of your life walking on eggshells around him.

Since you have agreed to marry him, you obviously have had your reasons. Think about them. Please be cautious for your own safety as those threaths might come true one day. I am telling you to stop finding the good in him and excuse the bad on a larger scale (a common pattern in narcissistic relationship). Keep a hidden diary of all the pros/cons, but be realistic about them. If one day you find that the bad outweights the good, you'll be able to make YOUR decision.

Only you know what you want to do with your life. Only you can live it.

I honestly wish you all the best ❤