What would you do

I witnessed this and it bothered me I asked myself what would other people do if it was them.

It was cold raining going to ice, snow a women entered the mall wearing a coat with the hood on to protect her from the rain.

Majority had beanies on, some had caps on, hats, some had hoodies others with coats and their hood on.

A security guard harassed this women he approached he said take off your hood, she didn't know why but said okay showed him her face.

So with Corona Virus they say wear protective gear: Mask, Eye protection, even to cover your hair because the virus droplets can land on your hair so for the most part people want to leave their hood on for some protection especially if they have things to do can't immediately shower, they can simply take off the hoodie, coat, pants shoes and be okay wash hands and face.

So she saw more people coming in with the hood on she put her hood back on the guy yelled screaming take off your hood. He stopped her and said you can leave or put down your hood.

Its not right he was letting people of his same ethnicity go with hoods on and hats but anyone of not his race he would harass and confront them to remove head covering scarf or anything. I know in some religions people have to wear hoods like hijabs a head scarf.

What if he did this to someone who's beliefs were to wear a veil a scarf for hair face what about some veils that cover all the face only eyes are revealed. Its not right what he did it offended me watching this.

What would you guys do?

I saw her crying after the guy was yelling at her