❗Update❗Found out he's married...

On Christmas <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a>.

I don't know where to start.

Christmas <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a> was a great day and the evening was HELL!!

I'll do my best to keep this somewhat short but detailed. I HAVE to get this off of my chest somewhere. I'm having the worst anxiety about this. Please bare with me and sorry for any grammatical errors and/or typos.

My fiancé and I were set to get married (elope) on April 28, 2021.

He has a daughter who's just been taken out of her mother's custody due to abuse. He now has full legal custody of her. This just happened 3 or 4 nights ago. I don't know the full details because the counselor his daughter has been seeing, has been now counseled her for a while. His daughter shared one day somethings that her mother says and does. The counselor immediately informed law enforcement and he was told at the last minute that he needed to pack her things and get her out of the house. He did just that!!

Fast forward, he and I agreed that we would have the kids (my 2 children and his 2) together and stay up late with them to open 1 present and watch a couple of Christmas movies. Idk what happened but after we made our final stop by the grocery store, his WIFE (I'll get to that part in a moment)calls... his daughter takes off running hysterically towards oncoming traffic as we're walking out of the store while yelling "I don't want to talk to her. Please don't make me talk to her PLEASE!" I ran after her in full panic mode. He runs after her as well. That's when it all came out. I refuse to post what she said but my God I cried with her. I just held her. My fiancé started crying too. I'm still in shock!! We all managed to calm down and get back in the van. We were supposed to pick up his son from his WIFE...but before we could pull out of the parking lot, some random number calls me. I ignore it and let it go to voicemail. Few minutes later the number leaves me a voicemail and I thought it was odd so I checked it. It was HER!! I don't know how she got hold of my number but she said she is still his wife but they separated a year ago. Before I could finish the voicemail she started calling me back to back to back!! We were headed to her place to pickup his son. His daughter again started crying and taking off her seat belt saying that she will jump out of the car while on the freeway. I told him to exit and pull over!! He did. I looked over and he's crying. At this point I'm so confused! I asked what was wrong, they both looked at each other and said "we're afraid of her." I was appalled. I then had a very bad gut feeling come over me and I said we need to turn around. He proceeds driving going in the direction of her house. Something just came over me and I yelled TURN AROUND NOW! He did.  I finally answered her non-stop calling and she said this is so and so's wife. To my understanding you have my daughter (which I didn't my fiancé was with us as well) and I just want you to leave him alone and so on and so forth. She then blurts out that she has my address and starts mentioning my kids by name. She made a threat to come to my home and do harm AND SHE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW ME!! I've never seen or spoken to this woman a day in my life!! I told her that whatever issues she has going with him that's between her and him. I don't have anything to do with whatever is going on and neither do my children. She says well it's too late I'm already involved because I've been around her kids. I told her that I understood because I'm a mother. I told her that I've been wanting to meet her so that she knows I mean no harm and I love her kids. OH ME SAYING THAT PISSEDDDD HER OFF!! She starts yelling and screaming and making more threats. I calmly told her if she came to my home, I have a right to protect her and that I will shoot her. I hung up and she kept calling and calling and calling!!!!! I finally called her and asked her to hear me out. No yelling. I simply let her know that I don't know her and she doesn't know me and I don't know how and why all of this started. I also explained that XYZ is my fiancé and I love her kids. I reiterated that I have nothing to do with their issues. But I am shocked to find out that they are still married. She went on to say that she wants a divorce (but the call before that she said she wanted me to leave him alone and stay away from her kids) she also went on to say that there is another woman he has been talking to and cheating on me with. I told her to please stop calling me. At this point it's harassment. STOP!

I hung up.

I went to speak with him and asked if he was still married because she claimed him to still be her husband. He said yes but tried to explain. Before I could think I just took off running. I couldn't cry. I wasn't upset. I was NUMB!! I felt/feel empty. I feel gross. I feel nasty. I feel ashamed 😞...

He drove around to look for me and we stood out in the cold talking. Well more so me, crying. Questioning him. His motives. His daughter was in the car crying and begging me not to leave. She loves spending time with me and my kids. She loves being near me. My heart ached even more. And as you would guess, as we're talking his ex starts texting me. Making Acquisitions that my child placed hands (in other words hit or punched) her son, who is 2 and it's not true!! Calling me a dumb bitch and said I need to stay in my lane about her kids. At that point I was ready fight. It all became too much too soon. I went from feeling numb to angry.

By the end of the night, we took our kids to my sister's house because of her threats. He slept on the sofa and I slept in the bedroom. I cried and stopped. Cried and stopped. She has a domestic violence case on her from an attack that happened just before they split (per his words, before they divorced) after the case, she ran with the kids in the middle of night while he slept. He told me this a long time ago but she confirmed it when she kept yelling and wouldn't stop. As we're sleeping, she called AGAIN!! He came to get me out of the bedroom so that I could hear. Instead of just listening, I also recorded it on video. I have the entire 21 minutes of her lying on me. She said that I called her first and started harassing her first. CLEARLY A LIE!!!!!!!!! He just allowed her to talk. And eventually she hung up.

Lastly, his ex whom he shares a teen daughter with happened to call and they're really goos friends now. He explained what was going on and she asked to speak with me and told me that, this woman did the same thing to her! Of course he wasn't married to her by then and he also not with his ex. She told me to do my best to ignore her unless she goes out of her way to come to my home or starts following me around. She also went on to say that, this woman refuses to sign the divorce papers. I didn't know he filed. I didn't know she refused to sign. I didn't know that because she ran with the kids it did something to the case. He didn't tell me or at least not yet. His ex told me.

I feel so torn. Hurt. Pissed!!

My mind and my heart are at war right now.

Because I love him.

I honestly don't know if I want to stay or leave. W

I'm asking myself what should I do rather than what do I want to do and I don't know.

Please be gentle if you choose to respond. I'm already on edge.

Now that the Christmas day is calming down, these emotions have started to flood me again.

❗Update❗.. A couple of you asked if this is real. I promise IT IS!! I wish had the time to make something like this up. I'm a grown woman and I don't need to lie. This is a very serious and real life situation. It's not a Lifetime movie or a made up story for attention. I appreciate everyone's input and kind words. I've decided to leave town to take sometime to myself to figure things out. I feel like I am spiralling. The past 72 hours have been gut punch after gut punch. As soon as he left home today (we've been combined at the hip for 4 days preparing for Christmas, Christmas day, and the day after to clean up. The moment he left, I packed a bag and left. I feel like I can't breath. Luckily, I work from home so I can still sign on and get my job done. It's just that right now, I can't take being near him.