Do you care if your mother-in-law likes you?

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Nope! I get all the love I need from my own mother that I’ve never felt like I’m missing out on something.


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She hates me. Sooo fuck her opinion 🤷🏼‍♀️


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My husband believes no one could ever dislike me lol....well his mother for sure dislikes me lol....I would like to believe it doesn't bother me however I always wished for a better relationship.


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Couldn’t care less... I can’t read her. She’s nice to my face 🤷‍♀️


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At this point ... her disliking me is a reflection of her narcissism and not a reflection of me. I’m really working on not caring. It’s hard, but at the end of the day, if she doesn’t like me, I just can’t take the energy to care. It’s exhausting trying to please her. It’s a lot of, “fuck her” and “I don’t care” now. Hell, it’s hard to like her when her “generosity” and “love” comes with strings.


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I for one absolutely care. Especially because my partner is incredibly close with his family and his mother, specifically. I believe it would be a dealbreaker for him if someone didn’t get along with her. Luckily though, she is the sweetest angel on the planet and is amazing to me.


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I spent many years in my first marriage trying to get my MIL approval. Now in my second marriage my husband made it clear to his mom that his wife is his priority and his choice and she needs to respect that if she wants a relationship with him. My MIL likes me and can see I make my husband happy, but I know I am not what she wanted for him (different culture) but my husband has repeatedly told her his marriage is about what makes him happy, not his mother.