Toxic friendship that still haunts me

When I was 11 I was friend with a girl and we became best friends really fast.

I hated my school, I was a bit bullied and thus used to stay all my time with her.

People called us sisters and said we looked alike a lot, which tbh annoyed me because I really wanted to be seen as one individual, I was not confident at all at this time and it bothered me people saying "you are the same person".

I realised she did everything to look like me, same haircut, same style, etc.

It became really toxic and she started to check out all my friends out of school, was mad at me and I was seeing them, and "followed" them on Facebook (at this time it was 2011 lol). She "threatened" me to not be my friend and I'll be on my own at school which was a nightmare for me 😅

She always had a comment, in general negative, on my acts. She could be helpful and kind at the same time but there was always smth to say about me...I lost all confidence and became almost afraid to annoy her.

My family didn't like her and she probably noticed and started to say mean things about them.

I couldn't bear it and that's how I decided to change school and stopped talking to her (I was 14).

It worked, I blocked her on everything, deleted my Facebook account. Made everything to not see her again.

She lives near my place but haven't seen her for years. But recently I saw her on stree and she saw me and I don't know why I felt so uncomfortable, annoyed, even afraid...reminds me such a bad part of my teenagehood and it still haunts me...

Now I leave my house to go out, I'm afraid to see her again...

I'm more confident than before do sure even tho I still need to work on that, but how come I still feel that way about that story??

Anyone who got a similar situation?