First Timer!


Hey all! I’m brand new to this application, brand new to this group, and brand new to this whole experience. I must say I was excited to find a group of women who are going through the same thing at the same time. The fertility journey alone has it’s ups and downs, can only imagine what this next phase will be like. Everyone around me seems to be popping out babies, so unfortunately I don’t have anyone around me who understands what I am and about to go through.

Needless to say, this is my first round of <a href="">IVF</a>. I had my baseline last week, where they found a small cyst, but fortunately my estrogen levels were good and they were ok with proceeding. Started my injections on Saturday, Gonal and Menopur, and went for a follow up today. Cyst seems to be shrinking and follicles are growing. I start my 3rd shot on Friday and go back for another follow up on Sunday. Hoping for a retrieval at the end of next week and doing the PGS testing before transfer.

My nerves are all over the place, this is all very overwhelming. Anxiety has definitely set in, but I am trying to stay as calm as can be. I am wanting to be excited, but I don’t think it has hit me yet or I’m just afraid to get my hopes up too soon.

I look forward to hearing about everyone’s experiences and welcome any input or advice that you may have!