I need advice


I’m currently 15 weeks pregnant I’m due on July 4th 2021 and I’ve been struggling with a serious decision. I never knew my biological father he and my mother broke up before she was even two months pregnant. He also lied to her about his marital status and got his wife pregnant at the same time as my mother. I am 19 and I haven’t had any real interest in my biological father in 4 years. My stepdad legally adopted me when I was 5 but was there since the day I was born. I call my stepdad my dad and he’s been my rock especially through this pregnancy. However I don’t want to ask him this because I know it could hurt him if I word it wrong. I have a relationship with my biological grandparents they do not yet know about my pregnancy. I want to tell my biological father about my pregnancy because I want to be able to tell my child that I tried for him/her to have a relationship with their biological grandfather. My boyfriends father has been cut out of my boyfriends life long ago as he was abusive both physically and verbally to his three sons his first wife aka their mother as well as his granddaughter aka my boyfriends niece. So my child will never know him but I want my child to have at least one of their biological grandparents in their life. My biological father was not abusive and from what my mom said he was generally a good man. I now know that his wife now ex-wife threatened to take custody of his other children from him. She had grounds to do so with the oldest anyways as he was her stepfather but the younger two she threatened to say he was abusive and so forth. She used this to keep him to herself and to keep me out of their lives. She even stopped him from talking to his parents for many years as they had regular contact with me though we never met. I want to give him a second chance to be apart of mine and my child’s life now that him and his ex wife are now divorced and all of my half siblings are 18 or older. My boyfriend says he thinks it’s a good idea if that’s what I want to do. I also think about my dad who raised me and loved me as his own and wonder how this might affect him. My mother was actually the one who brought it up for me to consider, but I’m not 100% sure if it’s a good idea. If I do this I still have no clue what to say to him I don’t mind giving him a second chance but what do I say. I already have a way to contact him but I don’t know what to say I’m also afraid of his first impression of me is disappointment because I choose to get pregnant young. I just don’t know what to say how to say it. But I also want him to know I don’t resent him and I understand why he made his choice.