Zoloft and Prenancy


Hey mommas! Anyone on here have any experience being on Zoloft/sertraline while pregnant?

I went on it a couple of years ago due to some pretty bad postpartum depression after the birth of my daughter. It helped me so much and alleviated the anxiety I had always had so I chose to stay on it.

Recently, my hubby and I found out that we are expecting our second child (due mid September). We weren’t really expecting to get pregnant just yet but are so excited. That being said, I am still taking Zoloft and did not have the time to wean off of it before trying for another little one.

I’m nervous to go off of it because I’ve heard side effects can be bad and that my anxiety could come back full swing.

My OBGYB said that it’s fine to be on Zoloft while pregnant, but me being the nervous nelly that I am googled the subject... I found some scary studies saying that SSRI use during pregnancy increases risk for the baby having autism, lung and heart defects and withdrawal symptoms after birth. I would never want to do something that would potentially harm my child, and just don’t know what to do.

If you have any insight or experience with this I would greatly appreciate your input!!! Thank you!