Please help me understand...


My boyfriend over 1 year talks shit about me and questions to his brother about finding someone better. We are very. Very. Unhappy. All we do is fight. He doesn’t kiss me goodnight anymore , doesn’t even tell me goodnight. Doesn’t call me at work. And if we do have sex the night of. He will tell me.But we really don’t have sex anymore. I’m never excited to see him. And he isn’t either. And when I say he will not let me breakup with him. I’m serious. I know it’s crazy to say , but he doesn’t leave. I’ll scream , I’ll say anything and everything. But somehow. And idfk why. We end up waking up the next morning semi ok. Until 2 hours go by and we fight again. New and old stuff. No trust. Nothing. This relationship really isn’t going anywhere. So the fuck is he not leaving NOR letting me end this.

( we do not live together ) and if I ask him to leave. He sits there , tells me to stop. Tells me I’m crazy. And when I say he won’t leave. He won’t. And to round up the questions on calling the police. That would be an entire shit show. I do not want to do that to my grandmother. Or my parents ok ... )

( another thing I need to say, my mother has secretly met up with him behind my back during one of our breakups. ( 5 months ago) And dropped him off food. We broke up because I have found some fucked up borderline shit on his phone.