Friendship Advice

I have never been one of those girls - who has a lot of girlfriends, I’ve always been more so, one of the guys.

I was fortunate, very fortunate, to meet two very nice ladies in my second year of college, who have been by my side through EVERYTHING, since then.

This year, I’ve been fortunate enough to have a new friend - in the wife of one of my really good guy friends...




This Summer our group from college all got together to go social distance camping - this woman had just had a baby (he was about 6 months old at the time) and I was so excited, because my fiancé & I had just found out we were expecting. Our relationship really hit a different level over the course of the weekend, and we have been talking ever since. She just told me some heartbreaking news, and I honestly do not know what to say - or do to help her in this situation.


Her husband (my original friend) and herself have been married for just over a year - they have an almost year old son - and are expecting another baby in June. During the first few months of her sons life, she found out her husband was playing around with the idea of transitioning.

{Now, I wanna make this clear - I have no issue with Trans/ Lesbian or Gay - but he was struggling with this idea before they got married & did not tell her about it — he then hid it from her in their marriage — and they both come from very religious backgrounds} She has told me - she has made many sacrifices, already in their marriage - and she supports him in whatever he chooses, but she cannot support him in a transition - while they are still married. As I said. She is expecting & feels scared that he will just decide one day - that he wants to be a woman - and just leave.

I have reached out to some of my trans friends - and they all say that the wife needs to be understanding - which I really feel she is being... but it’s not fair for her to give everything up to make him happy. I think he does need to be true to himself - but it’s so hard when they have made this promise to each other.

Sorry about the length - but do you have advice on advice I can give her?