Is this normal?


Background: I have a history of PCOS, no insulin resistance. I had a baby a little over a year ago. I have lost about 40 pounds in the past 6 months and my cycles have started to regulate. I have had about 4 regular cycles with a more normal amount of bleeding and about 7 days in length. I am not sure if I have ovulated or not during these cycles.

This cycle though, my period started about 2 weeks late and the bleeding was light but consistent, lasting for about 12 days. I am still having some light spotting now which increases a little after my workout.

Is it normal to have a cycle start late and last for this amount of time with light bleeding?

My hubby and I are wanting to TTC baby number 2 and are hoping to do so without medical intervention this time around. I am really trying to focus on my own physical and mental health before resorting to medications to induce ovulation.

Any advice or input would be greatly appreciated!