What didn't you get the first time around that you want this time?

αℓεχïร • 24 year old mommy to 3 yr old

What do you moms want this time around that you didn't use last time? For me, it was a boppy pillow for breastfeeding, with my first I tried different pillows but they weren't exactly up to par, so I seen the boppy and I'm like..40 bucks for the pillow and slipcover?? Pulled out my sewing machine and made my own breastfeeding pillow , it was easy, and it turned out pretty good, all i had to buy was the filling, since I have tons of fabric lying around already.

Another thing I want to get is a ring sling carrier (might end up making my own lol) that will definitely come in handy with a 3 year old running around already.