Stopping formula at 10 months??

So before anyone jumps down my throat I AM NOT PURPOSELY TAKING MY BABY OFF FORMULA! I know babies should stay on it til 1 year old but I recently transitioned my baby to a sippy cup and she has been doing so great with that but I noticed she has been refusing her formula even if it’s offered in a bottle she prefers just to eat regular food... I’m at a loss I can’t force her to drink the formula but idk why will happen if she stops it completely

Any help would be appreciate

**please do not come here with hateful comments**

Update: I am currently looking for a new pediatrician for both my girls the last one just didn’t care and barely gave us the time of day when we would go in and we were always rushed out

And I have a hard time not offering foods as I also have a 2 yo so whenever my 10mo sees her sister eat she wants to eat to and she will cry if I don’t let her

UPDATE #2: thank you guys so much for the helpful advice I was so worried everyone would come at me with hateful comments when I find a new pediatrician I will definitely talk to them about it for now I’m going to do what a few comments suggested I’m ganna offer the formula first before foods