Weird cycle/bleeding

I’m really confused and not really sure what is going on. I had an early pregnancy loss in beginning of December. I bled for 10 days and then spotted another 3 two weeks after that. I ovulated 3 days after that and then flow showed up at 12dpo. Now this cycle I bled for 8 days, started doing opk’s at cd10(I usually ovulate cd 19 or 20). I’ve not have a positive opk nor has my temp shifted. Last night(cycle day 20) I wiped and had a very long blood tinged mucus. Since then there has been barely noticeable pink on the tissue a few times when wiping. Is this possible ovulation bleeding, implantation (although I don’t think I’ve ovulated), beginning of an early period? I’m so confused with what’s going on as my body is usually consistent.