Inconsistent Supply


This is my first week back at work since I had my daughter, so I am pumping a lot more than I used to. Before I was just pumping a few times a day after feedings to get a store of milk in my freezer, and I would typically get a few oz per pumping session. Now that I am back at work I’m pumping every few hours and getting maybe 20 mL per breast during the day, but in the morning when I pump after her feeding I will get 2-4 oz per breast.

Has anyone else had this problem? Will I start getting more as my body gets used to the pumping schedule?

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It’s more likely that you’re pumping more than you used to and your body hasn’t gotten adjusted to it yet so you’re still producing the same amount but it’s being divided into more pumping sessions. And you’re getting a good amount in the morning because that’s when your hormone levels are naturally the highest.


Posted at
This was happening to me. I think the stress of work and not being able to pump when she would normally feed because I just had to whenever I could. Sometimes it would be 6-7 hrs after she fed to me I would get a lot right since I technically skipped a feed nope only 2 oz. I started pumping on my drive to work and I get 6 oz on that drive. So then it’s only 4 hours before I pump at lunch and now I get 4-6 oz at that pump also.


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Are you stressed at work? Different pump?


Courtney • Feb 3, 2021
Same pump, and I’m only back half days this week so we can adjust her schedule accordingly, but I don’t feel any more stressed than usual. And my eating and water consumption has become much more consistent since I’ve been making it a priority.