Husband don't know I'm pregnant

Me and my husband fell on hard times last year in October. We moved in with his mother with our two year old . Before we moved we were trying for another baby but he suggested we wait till we move and get more financially stable, I agreed so I got on the birth control pill.

I soon decided to stop taking them because I really want another baby but I didn't actually think I'd get pregnant. I got a positive test today. I don't plan on telling him until we move, we should be out his mom house before the baby gets here. Should I tell him now? Has anyone been through a similar situation??

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No you should continue to hide this huge thing from your husband 🙄


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You ned to tell him asap. You went behind his back to stop taking your birth control and chose to fall pregnant. Be prepared for he may get angry. You lied to him and kept secrets. That is not a healthy marriage.


Renee • Feb 4, 2021
Agreed. Don't hide this from your husband and don't lie either, be honest.


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i think it’s kind of a sucky move that you stopped taking your birth control without telling him. you guys agreed on something and then you went behind his back ....


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Just tell him. Even though its unplanned and you stopped taking birth control, he will probably be happy about it regardless. Let him be part of the pregnancy.


Sharayah • Feb 6, 2021
Well then let that be between her and her husband. The other person in the comment was calling her trash and putting her down. Its uncalled for. Shes asking for advice not for people's opinion on her previous decision. Shes not a girl friend trying to trap a man. She did lie or deceive him but that's for her to face with him. Let's be adults about this.


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You don't think he will notice? Maybe he will think you gained alot of weight? 🤨🤔


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Yes you should tell him. I’m sure he would happy and it would probably upset him more for you to keep it from him then you stopping your BC. Plus BC is not 100 percent so even if you didn’t stop taking it you could have gotten pregnant still . I don’t understand the comments saying you tricked him. He is a big boy and knows how babies are created . Sure you should have told him you stopped taking them . But you should tell him!


Grace 🦋 pcos 🌻 👧🏻👧🏼👶🏼👼🏼 • Feb 6, 2021
I just don’t agree with that logic when someone is married but everyone had their own opinion . Like I said yes she should have told him .


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You tricked him.


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I can totally understand where you are coming from but what you need to know is... pregnancies aren't quite cooperative in staying inconspicuous!!! 😁 When he sees you slowly putting on pounds and requesting him to buy you a particular milk shake everyday, gal, you will get busted!!! 😂😂ps. In case you get busted, tell him you thought you were exhibiting genetics from your mother's side of the family!! 😁


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No. Tell your husband. He needs to know