First round of Clomid and dying to wait the last 5 days to test...


So girls, I guess I just need to share with someone this anxiety that is driving me crazy. We lost a baby in Aug/2019 (I figured it out that I was pregnant during the miscarriage because I had an IUD), and after trying since then, now in December we just had a chemical pregnancy and it was devastating for us because we were like hormone week happy having positives and believing this was the time!

Now we are doing treatment (although no problem at all with both of us, is our first round on clomid this month and with all the following ups of the doctor, US showing ovulation perfectly and everything fine. Now, it’s gonna be the last 5 days before what should be my period day, and I’m freaking out to hold myself not to test.

Since two days I’ve been having some weird small cramps now and then, and horrible breast tenderness and pain. I started to think that is the period that will come and the thought already made me annoyed. Aaanyway, hopefully I’ll have a positive test the next days. Ooor please God make this period come soon so I can at least have the piece of knowing hahahahaha the wait is horrible. I’ve been speeding so bad hahahahah. Anyone else struggling too??