Confused.. how far along am I?

Af started on December 12th and lasted four days. I had a bfp on January 12. Then I started my cycle on the 13. It was light and lasted two days and then I had lite pink spotting on and off for two more days. I don’t think it would have filled a whole pad. I tested after and I thought I saw a line but it wasn’t a bfp. So I thought it was a Chemical. I had heavy Ew cm on January 23 and 24. I wasn’t scheduled to have an ovulation till the 28/29

. That’s all according to that weird short AF I had. Then yesterday I woke up super nauseous and decided to test. It was a BFP. Like right away. I took a digital and it was also a bfp. The time frames aren’t adding up. I’m suppose to be 8dpo yesterday? The app says I am 3 weeks 4 days. I’m so confused. Can you get a bfp a week after you ovulate? I thought implantation is from 6-12dpo.