How to be ready?😯

I'm at a loss.

I have had all my bags packed and baby's careseat ready to go for weeks. But last night I thought it might be time and realized how horrifyingly unprepared i am. I only have so many clothes that fit at this stage and i need them so i hadn't put them in the bag. Well. They weren't even clean! Plus i have been putting off buying snacks so they weren't in the bag. And of course my ipod wasn't charged!

Then I realized my house was kind of messy. But cleaning through the pain sucked so I couldn't get it all done. and I'm already a preg-zilla about everyone doing their part so I'm not sure how to avoid that again... afterall it could be weeks longer.

It wouldn't be such a big deal, except my area has two hospitals. The one I'm NOT going to is famous for calling CPS on moms who turn down formula, or don't get the eye drops, or refuse vit k shot, etc; and the way CPS handles that is (if they bother with it at all) They come in the last day of your hospital stay and basically Q&A you on your decision, and then request to be let into your home before you leave with baby. As long as everything looks good and you have sufficient supplies and a safe clean place for baby to sleep, it's pretty painless. But this process stresses me out and I really want my home to be spotless just in case.

What have you guys been stressing about or struggling to keep "ready"?? I miss homebirthing! 😥😫