should i even bother reporting this ?

ham • US Army’s best kept secret

i’m the only female in my unit and i work in a predominantly male field. i’ve basically been getting assaulted/harassed since AIT.. i’m suppose to be getting my DD 214 within this next week.

anyways, here’s what happened. there’s this sgt who i’ve always been close with. we joke whenever we see each other and have nicknames for each other. we don’t really hangout or anything he’s just kinda been a solid guy towards me. he worked in training so he’d get me into classes i wanted and now he works in the orderly room. he found out it was close to when i was leaving and he was like “can i tell you something since you’re leaving ?” we were in his office with the door open and there was only one other person in the area so i said sure. he basically told me about a wet dream he had about me. i’ll spare the details but the entire time i was just laughing like 😬😬 ha ha ha.. and slowly making my way towards the door, bc what the fawwwwkkkkkk. we joked a little bit more but i was outside the room at that point and then a whole bunch of the guys came in (thank god). most of them were saying goodbye to me, and we were shooting the shit. my husband called me and i answered and put him on speaker (we were in the same unit before he ETSd so everyone wanted to say hi and ask questions about his new job/talk about the baby coming) but as i was making my way out of the unit the sgt came up to me and said “i already told you how much i’m going to miss you” and hugged me. i said “ahhh covid” and basically speed walked to my car. it was so awkward even my husband said “wtf was that about?” i told him what the sgt said to me.

he’s pissed and wants me to report it but tbh i don’t feel like having my last few days revolve around a sharp case. we have no sharp rep at my unit so i’d have to go to BN. i think i should leave it, idk

UPDATE: i honestly forgot i made this post but, i didn’t report it because before i left they took out our SHARP rep and gave me the position like a week after this happened. (but ham weren’t you suppose to be getting your DD214 around then ?) YEP. they kept my paperwork back bc they didn’t want me to use my 180 days of terminal leave that i saved for two years.

also you guys have too much faith in the SHARP program, i was literally r^ped and assaulted multiple times and reported it- nothing happened because they protect the men in my field. i’ve had the BN rep laugh in my face multiple times and the units old rep assaulted me. the field i was in is no longer excepting people through AIT because they’re getting rid of that MOS, so there won’t be any new females joining that unit- and again i was the only female in the unit. he’ll either be forced to switch MOS (into another male dominant field) or they’re letting people out of their contracts early since it’s a dead end career and they’re trying to get rid of everyone.

lol to top all of this off, when i finally got my DD214 (in april instead of december bc like i said they held onto my paperwork) they awarded me wrong. they put me on missions i’ve never been on and awarded me as a completely different MOS, the dates in which i served were wrong too. keep in mind i told them word for word what to write and they still fucked it up. that’s the type of people i worked with ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

UPDATE 2: to add on, IG doesn’t work either because even though it’s suppose to be confidential our 1sg always finds out who it was and then hazes them. i’d be lying if i said i never participated in it because of my position and the NEED for me to be in “the boys club”. i know all of their tricks and secrets so i knew if i tried to play the game i’d lose.