The never ending story...


Aging myself a bit but, I’ve always loved the movie, The Never Ending Story, as a kid. I never would have imagined, however, that it would become a seeming theme of my infertility journey. This April will mark 3 years TTC, and over one year with my clinic, no thanks to COVID of course. April is when my exploratory level 2 ultrasound is scheduled. My

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cycle won’t be until April/May. My day 3 BW came back with a higher AMH, but I always believed it was due to having previously had lowered Vitamin D levels. My AFC was 17. My estrogen, FSH, and LH was elevated, with early follicular recruitment, so I’m leaning towards egg quality issues. My RE ordered Dhea, as HGH is still new. I’m already taking a bunch of egg quality enhancing supplements; Ubiquinol, NAD, Açai berry, Vitamin D, NAC, etc. My eggs were graded fair last

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, but made beautiful blasts, so my RE wants to do the same protocol, estrogen prime antagonist or I could try a micro flare protocol. Everything but my biological clock seems to be running so slowly! February and this year is already going by quickly, so it might not feel so long in the grand scheme of things. I truly hope there’s a happy ending to my story. I hope the same for you all as well. I’ll just be waiting in the wings until further notice. Wishing you all the best!🪄