Should I pull my son out of daycare?

Hello everyone,

Working from home with a toddler made me feel defeated, so we enrolled him in daycare a few months ago. I appreciate the COVID regulations they have in place, but at the same time, it’s tough to leave your kid in someone else’s care without being able to walk into the classroom whenever you want to check in, meet the teacher, etc. It’s been several months now and his speech has improved so much, he’s learned so many new things, I’ve been so productive, and he seems happy there- he’s usually excited during morning drop-offs and happy at pick-up too. However, I’m wondering if I should switch him to a different one or keep him home again.

His teacher recently called to say he had a low-grade fever and needed to be picked up. I got there ASAP, brought him home and checked his temp...98.6. She also said he had a runny nose, stuffy nose, and had been sneezing; none of these were true. The same thing happened last month and I didn’t think anything of it, but now I’m wondering if she just wanted him to leave because he was being a handful. I speak to her regularly on the phone and she claims he’s a pleasure to have in class, so I may be overreacting to all of this. It’s also too much of a coincidence that this happened right before the weekend, both times.

This situation is making me think that perhaps he’s not a “pleasure” and instead is a nightmare to have in class. Maybe he frustrates her and she can’t stand him? Or maybe he’s the last one to get picked up and she wants to leave early? I’m clearly losing my mind over this! Should I try a different daycare? Or should I just keep him home with me again until I have to return to my building?

I appreciate any advice you can provide, thank you!

EDIT: I called the director the same day and told her he had no symptoms and temp was 98.6. She sounded surprised but said that if he’s not acting like himself, not participating in activities, they need to send him home. Is this common practice? I asked when he would be moving up to the older toddler room and she said by the end of March.