Annoying MIL


My baby is 3 months old and breastfeeds most of the day.. as many babies do. Every other weekend, my MIL takes my BIL's 4 year old son for the weekend. She expects us to come out for supper EVERY time she has him, and most of the time we do. I also have a 2 year old and she goes to play. Today, I decided that I dont want to go. Im breastfeeding all day, im private about breastfeeding in front of others, I have a newborn.. I just want to be at home! My husband had no problems with that and he went for the day with our 2 year old. However, im getting texts from my MIL that I should be out there visiting and its not nice of me to "ruin plans" . Supper is planned every other weekend. The same old thing, nothing new, nothing special.

She treats us like we are children that HAVE to listen to her or we get in trouble and im so fed up with it. Last time we had supper there, my baby cried the whole time at the table because she was hungry and I had to leave my plate and breastfeed in the livingroom by myself while everyone ate together in the kitchen. Im usually in another room or covering my baby awkwardly so I can bf in front of the family. Today I just didn't want to deal with that. I dont think im wrong for staying home 😒