Bleeding for days after sex normal?

To summarize my situation, this wasn’t my first time and I’ve has light bleeding in the past. Perhaps because I was still new and/or he went a bit too hard.

But this time it really was more blood than usual, and it has still continued (4 days the time this is posted).

The morning after sexi had terrible lower abdominal cramps. I had bleed and I have continued to bleed and what seems to be more and more as the days go by.

It had been little enough to contain in a thin liner, then this afternoon I had to move to a medium liner, and now in the evening I just changed to an actual pad since it filled up the medium liner.

It’s not necessarily heavy, it’s like a light period. But I’m worried because it’s NOT my period. I just had my period a week ago.

Please can anyone tell me if this has ever happened to them before and what happened, or if you might have an idea of what maybe be doing on.

I don’t think I feel any pain, just very mildly, but then again I have been trying to take it super easy laid back cause I’m scared to do much and make it worse.