Has your cat ever done this!?? She laid under us during sex

So my cat just kinda traumatized me and my so because we were having sex for while, and randomly we look over and my cat is like underneath us. My bed is big and fluffy, and she is big and fluffy. So she just snuck her self in somehow and was literally laying on the side of my so (I was on top)

And she’s just 👀 staring me straight in the eye, pupils HUGE, and we are both like “wtf!” And scoot her off the bed and then she just stayed by the bed. I feel kinda violated by her, we were doing the nasty and she was like right there with us. Ew.

I still love her, like don’t worry I’m not an asshole that gets rid of pets for anything. I’ve had her for 5 years and not one time has she done some weird stuff like this and I know when cats start being weird they’re trying to tell you something. Maybe she’s sick? Send help

Also i Know shes a cat and doesn’t know what’s going on. So she’s currently in my bed napping next to our dog. I felt bad afterwards cause I was like “YEET”