Low Sperm & Motility


So yesterday we got super sad news that, although I am perfectly “normal” and everything on my end is working correctly, my husband has severe low count and low mobility. I’m feeling super bummed and anxious because of course google goes immediately to <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>. We were recommended to a fertility specialist but I think we’re going to try a urologist first. First, can anyone help me really understand these results? Any success stories with a semen analysis with these numbers, or success with increasing counts? My goal is to try to naturally get his count up as to be honest he doesn’t eat the best, drinks a few nights a week. He also has extremely low vitamin D and he’s on 50,000 units a week for that now. As far as naturally increasing it, I’ve come up with this “meal plan” and these supplements after spending the last 12 hours researching. I don’t want to kill him though so is this too much 😂 or does this look like a good starting place? I know we won’t really know if it’s working for 3 months since that’s how long it takes for sperm to develope. ANY and ALL advice along with any stories if you were/are in a similar boat would mean the world to me. Thanks so much for taking the time to ready this novel ♥️