Is this implantation bleeding ??


Hey girls so bacially I have PCOS so don’t know when I will ovulate, normally before my period I get spotty and grumpy and swollen boobs but I don’t have anything to trigger that period is coming ??

today I’ve had very mild cramps really low down in the middle nothing like the start of a period. Throughout the day they have been on and off but very mild like fluttery tugging. Every time I’ve wiped it was dark brown/red ... then this evening it’s going to a more red but still the same not loads when I wipe it wee is this implantation bleeding ? Also had a few back twinges ?? I just would of thought this would be been a lot more blood now and the cramps would of got more severe as the days gone on like a normal period would ?? Never had this before Thankyou for your help. Much appreciated also I had a peak on 13/14 is it too early ?

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