Super squinter + movement?!


Ok, so my baby is currently almost 8 mos. I started having what I thought was my period in November, around Thanksgiving. It was super light spotting, and lasted 3-4 days. Same around Christmas. January I had some heavier bleeding and clots. But about 4 weeks ago, I felt movements - I told my husband that if I didn’t know better, I would swear there was another baby in there. I took several pregmates tests, all bfn. I even tried some diluted, thinking maybe it was the hook effect. But the movements have continued, and definitely feel more like a baby than gas. I decided to take a frer and I think I maybe see a vvvvvfl?! I’m going to get blood drawn today, but curious if anyone else can see something, or if anyone else found out they were pregnant because they felt kicks!