Ectopic ? Miscarriage ?

Yaritza • Mother of a beautiful teenager (2009) and rainbow baby girl 🌈born (Oct 2021) Mother of two angels in heaven (2018+2020)❤️

Im freaking out because i had one ectopic pregnancy last year. Im pregnant again, 5 weeks the max, and having lower back pain and pelvic pain. No bleeding or spotting. I had surgery with my ectopic, they removed the baby with my right tube, so i only have my left tube. I just want to know if at 5 weeks you can already know if it’s ectopic? I can’t sleep, my appetite is non existent, im just constantly worry that this is either a miscarriage or another ectopic. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

I just want to add, obgyn did hcg levels on Wednesday, 137, and repeat them today, i will know more next week.