Popped my Own Cherry. 🍒

Hey guys! So I just wanted to share this story for anyone who might've been like me.

First off, im 18. Never kissed anyone. It might seem strange I guess, since most people are so much younger, but truth be told, relationships just haven't been a priority for me. Yeah yeah that's what they all say right? Deadass, I've had 3 seperate ALMOSTs, but I felt bad so I pulled back last second.

Anywho, like I said, 18. Been pretty comfortable with my body and stuff since about 13, know what I like and what not. But I couldn't get over that terrible fear of the dreaded "cherry pop."

So, like any anxious and borderline asexual female, I took shit into my own hands,

quite literally.

I didnt wanna have to worry about- if I were to have my first time in college- being awkward, in a shit ton of pain, or bleed everywhere. Myths make it seem scary.

I bought a $20 dildo from Adam and <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a>, cause god knows we've all seen those ads, and nervously retrieved it from the mail room.

The night I got it, I washed it with soap and warm water (AS YOU SHOULD) and just kinda stared at it. Mental commentary:

"Ok ok. It's here. It's sitting on my bathroom counter. Damn that shit looks weird. How tf is that gonna fit in me 👁👄👁"

Dumbass move #1, I impulsively tried to use it without the l u b e because I didn't buy any... because I, indeed, was a coward.

It very clearly d I d n o t work.

The following day, i swallowed my pride and got groceries, as well as tampons to seem less SUS (idfk man i heard some women need lube for em 😂) and checked out. Istg the lady didn't even blink.

Got home, once again stared at it, then decided "what the fuck" and attempted, this time with the proper anTi-ouCh-cOochiE-AsSistAnce.

Listen folks. I have a very i n t e n s e gorilla grip 2000 down there, so that shit hurt at first. There's a good chance it will be WAY easier for you. It deadass took me 15 minutes to get half way down that thing, and yeah yeah that's as far as I went. Fight me. After a while it stopped feeling like I was getting EMS muscle treatment on my cooch, and I was able to move a bit more comfortably. After that, it's been about the same level of elasticity, so I think I stretched her out enough lmao.

For the record, I used lube, went slow, and didn't bleed, which highkey sounds scary as fuck. Like NAH I DONT WANT MY SECRET TUNNEL TEARING. No thanks.

Anyways, in the end, through all the hilariousness and embarrassment, I feel a lot more comfortable with the idea of sex, and a lot more confident in myself.

So, if you need to build up your confidence like that, I definitely recommend doing the same.

Thank you for reading, and as always, xoxo

-Sky 💖