Weird fetish

Okay so I'm 22 yo female and about a year ago I met a guy online just talking as friends with like light flirting. We made a bet one day I said he couldn't make me cum and he said he could but like we were joking at the time. One day we ended up making out and he made me cum literally one other guy has made this happen out of like 25😋. Ever since then I'm addicted to him lowkey like we talk every night well we did before this experience too but now we are fwbs and we cuddle and everything and go on little dates. It's nice but I have made it clear that it will not be anything more because he is 34 years old( kind of because he's bald too I'm shallow most people my age are )!!Lol idk😂 (lowkey I think I came because he is older and bald and some part inside me craves that which is very strange) .Anyways I just don't want his feelings to get hurt because he seems to like me a lot I like him too but I know this isn't practical.

Edit: okay male pattern baldness is a risk factor for myocardial infarction and him being older if we had children he'd most likely die before and I'd be a widow anyways that's my rationale behind that... Plus he isn't in the best shape and all of these factors lower his life expectancy anyways ... Yes I'm not as mature as him. I am 22 and yes I am shallow,I am self aware as well lol.❤️❤️👌

@ kardilian - I appreciate your comment and it's nice to know I'm not the only one 😅.