Back pain

Brianna • 26. Married. Happy. TTC #1. 1 miscarriage, 3 failed IUIs. Male factor infertility. Starting IVF Summer 2020. Foster mama.

I’ve been having mild back discomfort most of my twin pregnancy, nothing concerning or abnormal. But starting about 3 days ago I started having very intense and incredible back pain from my mid to low back that is pretty constant during the day AND night. Positional changes don’t help, I’ve tried fluids, and Tylenol. I have gotten mild relief from Tylenol but only to help it from feeling all consuming. I don’t feel like it’s rhythmic with my Braxton Hicks but I just have no idea if this is just what I should be expecting at this point in pregnancy or if this is too early? I’m currently 26 weeks pregnant with di/di twins.