I got my tragus pierced in august, and I discovered this bump after I took my piercing off, is that normal? Or is it infected?!?

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I think it might be a keloid. Try to use a warm salt water solution to dry it out


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It's a keloid. I had them constantly. Crush an aspirin and make a paste with water. Put it on there and let it dry then wipe it off. Should only take a couple days of doing that to make it go away. :-)


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It's normally I have both my tragus pierced and I got that in both ears just keep cleaning it and it will heal I didn't take my bars out though it defo goes!!!


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I had the exact thing when I had my daith pierced. Within days of removing the piercing it was gone. My belly button did the same. I think my body rejected them even though they were good quality metals. 


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Idk if it is a bad thing but 6 out of the 10 people I know to get that ended up with a similar bump. They all dealt with it differently. Some still have it I think. I seem to remember one was definitely infected but she messed with it all the time. I'd say keep it clean with the solution they gave you or with alcohol and aloe


Posted at
It was infected dry it out it is normal