I give up!!

I totally give up this month!!! Im almost a month late and still haven't got a strong positive. I've tested with FRER,CB,Dollar store,dollar general and even gas station tests!!! My fmu tests are always super neg but afternoon test maybe MAYBE have a line. I had a few days of brown spotting like a week ago but that's it...I'm Ober here driving myself mad!!! This shit is so stupid at this point I just want My period to come so I can move on plus have a drink because this shit is stressing me OUT!! To everyone out there that had gotten their BFP, Congratulations I'm wishing all of you The HAPPIEST, HEALTHIEST PREGNANCIES!!! And To those that have been ttc for "24 hours" and FINALLY got their BFP, you're cool!! To all the other ladies that have been ttc for years with no luck girl I feel everything you feel deep down in my soul. The disappointment,sadness, and the anger!!!

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Posted at
I would go to the doctor and see what’s up. I know a girl who got a BFN at 6 weeks. Her period was two weeks late. She finally went to the doctor at 11 weeks and she was pregnant. Baby dust to you. I know it’s frustrating.


Posted at
Sorry that you are so frustrated. I understand it. Have you had a blood test?


Posted at
Its ok to stop testing for awhile. I mean if u are pregnant, you're gonna know in 9 months anyway lol.