Does this mean he didn’t find me attractive?

Went on a date and we just connected instantly, tons of laughs, he for sure was trying to impress me. Lots of teasing, and kept smiling at me like he was pleased I was around. He even said because I have a peanut allergy, he nearly poured himself a bowl of peanut cereal in the morning and changed his mind as didn’t want me to react, it was sweet

At the end of the date he told me he wanted to take me to this local restaurant next time. He also gave me a hug but seemed nervous in doing so, no kiss.

Then I texted him a few days after the date and it’s been 3 weeks with no reply.

I am so confused, what have I done wrong?? He did tell me on the date he didn’t have a job and had to move back to his parents. My friends said if he was actually finding me attractive he would have followed up

Does this mean he doesn’t find me attractive

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