First time mom baby being replaced


Disclaimer I know I’m not in the right here and I’m not looking for anyone to agree with me. Just tips and tricks on how to get over this. Even a your not the only one comment would be nice.


My sister in law was dating a guy on and off for over a year. Off all the time because he regularly cheats on her. In 2019 she made a big show of not drinking at New Years. Very stereotypical Mexican American family, lot of drinking and dancing and eating at parties. She kept hinting at the fact she was pregnant. Her and my 15 year old are super close so she actually took my 15 year old with her to buy the test and my 15 year old said my sister in law was beyond upset when it came out negative. My sister in law then moved out to live with this guy only to move back in when she found out he had a apartment with another girl. And they have been on and off ever since. She invited him to thanksgiving in 2020 even though she knows we all hate him and gets mad when we all death glare him the whole night. He said he was sick only to be on Snapchat at another girls house for dinner. My sister in law sulked on the couch the whole night. Then New Years 2020 she pulled the same no drinking stunt. But also sulked on the couch for the night because her “boyfriend” who was again to sick to attend our party was on Snapchat taking shots and kissing another girl. My 15 year old again went with my sister in to get a test. This time it came out positive. My sister in law then told my 15 year that she had been trying for over a year to get pregnant so her boyfriend would stay with her. She then called her boyfriend in front of my 15 year her boyfriend said something along the lines of “you are the one who didn’t want to use protection. Sounds like your problem not mine.” My 15 then stood up for her aunt to which this 25 year old man cussed out my 15 year old, second time he’s done this. First time he called her cell and cussed her out because she suggest my sister in law break up with him way back like the first time he cheated. My two oldest kids are currently not speaking to their aunt, and I’m not going to make them they are old enough to understand what’s going on. This is my husbands family so I can’t really express my feelings on this matter. Honestly my sister in law is a grown she can make her own choices. I think she is a horrible person for trapping someone with a baby, I feel pity for that baby whose gonna grow up with parents that don’t want it. I’m mainly pissed at how she’s treating my mother in law. Her boyfriend who was never at the house before is there all the time now, she’s beyond disrespectful to my mother in law and her house. My sister in law has this crazy plan where they are going to get their own apartment and have their family together. But like we all remember why they stopped living together in the first place right. My ten year old who still talks to her cousin asked what she’s do if they couldn’t find an apartment before the baby comes. And my sister in law literally said “move all my moms stuff out of the room so I have room for my boyfriend and the baby in here with me. My mother in law lives in a 2 bedroom apartment my brother in law in one room and my sister in law and her in the other. Like how beyond selfish do you have to be to kick our own mom out her room. Also not to mention that when she was moved out I spent time and money getting my mother in law a bed and fixing the room up for her. To which my sister in law all just threw out when she moved back in.

Anyway I’m sorry I know super long post I’m just angry. I found out today my sister in law is having a boy. My son is my only biological child he is my first baby and only baby. My husband said absolutely 100% no more babies. I know my mother in law is going to give all my sons old stuff that we keep in her basement to my sister in law. I can’t help feeling this baby is going to replace mine. He’s been the baby of the family for 2 years. And I honestly am just jealous. I want another baby so bad and I can’t have one but she can. What do I do. Cuz taking deep breaths and counting to 10 just isn’t calming me down anymore.