My husband is the worst .....

My husband.....

I’m currently 7 months pregnant. I work full time I pay half the bills . I cook on most days & clean the house all by myself most of the time. He called me lazy few days ago because I’m not able to keep up like I used to before getting pregnant. He said I’m unmotivated and he finds that ugly. He wins 25 an hour I win 16 an hour he wants me to match his wage and because I can’t he says I’m making him lose money yet he hasn’t bought me anything in 3 years and hasn’t took me on a actual date in 1 year. It’s always an excuse as to why he’s not romantic towards me etc. He doesn’t see that he barely does the bare minimum in our marriage. He gets to hang out with the boys whenever he wants. Stays out late and when I ask him to take me on a date another excuse. I’m getting so tired and fed up. I don’t want this to be my life forever.