diary of annoying things my mother-in-law does this weekend

So my in laws are staying in town (but at a hotel bc we live in a tiny house) this weekend and I LOVE my mother-in-law but she can be SO annoying and say the funniest things so I thought it'd be humorous to fill you guys in throughout the weekend... Disclaimer: in no way am I trying to bash my MIL, I love her!!! I just need to vent when she annoys me and I figured this would be a good way to do that and be entertaining 😅


1. "I suggest you plant some grass in the yard so it absorbs the rainwater better" ...we rent

2. asked my FIL, "Is that wall outlet safe for my babies?" ...the babies are me and hubby (we dont have kids) and the outlet has all the newest safety features on it🤦‍♀️😂

3. "Might I suggest you install more cabinets in front of your counter"

4. "These tacos are NOT small, I should've just gotten two." she said this loudly to my sister in law after they asked MY OPINION on if they should get two or three tacos.

5. "you should get an indoor rug in the living room for Drew (my husband) to wipe his feet off so he doesn't have to take off his shoes at the door." uhhhh


TO REMIND US TO LOCK OUR DOOR. We literally have lived here for 2 years and this is the first time they've ever even seen our house. We know how to lock our friggin door😂😂😂😂


1. "Why can't we just be park in your neighbor's driveway?"

2. "this show is like rated R! I did NOT need to see that!" taking about the british comedy, Miranda (not at all R rated hehehe)

3. Apparently told my 13 year old brother in law that she thinks my sister is "a *LeSbIaN*" bc she doesn't have a boyfriend and is a *ToMbOy*. She really ticks me off with the way she talks about lgbt people. And also my sister isn't a lesbian, you can't judge someone's sexuality based on how the dress and their relationship status.


1. "And of course she opened the Twizzlers wrong and now they're going to go stale." talking about me.

See you guys tomorrow 😅😅😅