Need help. Dry skin on areola

So a few days ago my areola got really dry but then it produced some sort of discharge. I would definitely say it didn't come from the nipple but just the overall affected area. It's also darkened alot. I went to a pharmacist and they recommend trying Vaseline of the area for a week, saying it should help, that the discharge was cause by the dryness. But they said if it didn't go away in a week to go back and they would recommend something else. The week is almost over and it has help alot with the discharge but the are still looks the same. Of course I'm still gonna go and see what they tell me. But has anyone experienced this before or have any idea what this could be or what caused it? The best way I can describe it, it's that it feels like an opened wound that begin to heal and then something stops it and it kinda restarts all over again.


So it been a few months, went to see a breast doctor about it and had a biopsy done. It turned out to be some sort of eczema, specifically chronic spongiotic dermatitis. Eczema is umbrella turn.

The first few weeks I used the cerave steroid cream, always recommend consulting a doctor or a dermatologist before using one though. If you can't just do as much research as you can before using any. It work alot, the discharged was completely gone the itchiness too.

In my case though it didn't go away completely, sometimes the steroid cream does help it go away but it not a permanent solution. The cause can be so many things, even rarely a sign of cancer, so it important to find out what caused it.

I went to see my dermatologist after the steroids cream did what it could and got prescribed two different pills and an antibiotics cream, it seems to be working better.

Hope anyone else dealing with this the best of luck and that everything works out.