Help :(

Jessica • Athena Aryn Jae Ard born August 11, 2020 9 lbs 7 oz Married September 22, 2019 💍 Puppy momma to Nyx 🐶 and Theia Lizard momma to Kreature 🦎

I dropped my husband off tonight for basic training for the national guard he flies out tomorrow to South Carolina and I’m in Missouri. I have cried all day I feel absolutely miserable and lonely. We’ve been apart before he went away for a year in college while I was in high school. Is there anything I can do to feel better? Does the pain ever go away? He’ll be gone for six months. We’re married now and he’ll be back right before our daughters first birthday. She was a little upset this afternoon because it’s usually her dads time with her ever since she was born and he wasn’t here to spend it with her. Our dog keeps sniffing his side of the bed and walking around looking for them and I feel sad for them both. I miss him so much already on top of existing anxiety and depression. My eyes are red and bloodshot and my face is puffy from crying so much today. I didn’t even cry until we got into our truck to leave and it hit me like a ton of bricks and I cried the whole way there and back home. Please help if you have any advice for getting through this. 😢🥺 I feel like our family is broken.