I have no one

I’ve reached out.

I’ve tried speaking to a therapist, her phone disconnected 10 mins into the session, and she said texted me she was going to call me back... I texted her to follow up, and she never responded.

I’ve tried reaching out to my partner. He doesnt care.

I’ve tried reaching out to my mom, she said I just need to be stronger, and that I’m weak minded.

I’m drowning. No matter who I reach out to, it won’t matter. No one cares. The only reason I stay alive is my children, sometimes I wish I could just be selfish and never have to deal with these feelings. I’m tired of drowning.

I have also reached out to suicide helplines. Honestly, they just tell me to check myself into a hospital. Which again, doesn’t help. Who’s gonna watch my kids? Who’s going to keep up with all of my schoolwork?