Bit of a rant, but I don’t know what to do

Anybody else feeling stretched too thin?

I feel like I’m being constantly expected to do so much, and always failing at something. I try to keep the house clean, keep my son entertained, fed, healthy, and his stuff organized. Trying to do well at my job, working long hours, and also trying to maintain a good relationship with my husband. I feel like I can’t do it all, and someone is going to end up upset with me.

Yesterday I had to work really late which only let me have an hour with my son before bedtime. My husband tells me he was going to make fried rice but couldn’t because I came home too late. So now I have to choose between satisfying my work or my husband. Lately he’s been acting really cold toward me. Almost glaring at me. I think it’s because I’ve been prioritizing my sons needs over his. But it’s mostly because my son has been teething, crabby, and getting rashes on his bum due to high Citric acid diet. I’m trying to get him better, but I feel like I’m doing it alone.

My husband at times seems like he regrets having my son. He will start giving me short responses and tuck himself into his phone. I usually try to take my sons attention during that time and take all the responsibilities of him onto me. But it really hurts when he does that. I don’t know what to do but be the main caretaker. But then when I do that, I have to not give my husband as much attention. Don’t get me wrong, he’s an amazing father. Loves playing, caring, and being around our son. Theres just (very rare) some low times. He acted like this when my son was a newborn too. I’m just so tired of it I’m tired of having to please everyone. I’m overwhelmed