First time IVF, starting Sunday 3/7


Hello All 👋🏼

I start my stims tomorrow. This will be my first time doing

<a href="">IVF</a>. Is there anyone else starting a round around this time as well?

A little background; been TTC since March 2020. I have PCOS so I was not expecting for anything to happen, but I changed my diet and started taking inositol supplements. Fell pregnant naturally in October, ended up being ectopic. Needed surgery and when they went it they found both tubes were „plugged.“ They opened both tubes and extracted material. I still have both tubes but my OB thinks if i try again naturally it will for sure be another ectopic. The RE said the risk is too high and recommended I go straight to

<a href="">IVF</a>. So here we are. I got married and moved to Germany a couple years back, so Im doing this all overseas. Family doesnt know were doing this and i have no friends over here who have experienced this. All of your posts give me strength and make me feel not so alone!! 💕