People dragging me into drama?

My baby father isn’t allowed around me or our child due to his past abusiveness towards me and trying to run us over.

The other day his auntie messaged me bearing in mine she’s around 38/40 years old ( I’m only 21 ) trying to threaten me due to some old friend of my bds that messaged her. She said that I said I put a price on my bds head (I didn’t). Then started to threaten to come to mine and my moms, on about sending people after me. But then the person that said this had sent me screenshots between him and my bds aunt saying if I was to put the right price on my baby fathers head then he’d do him in - Nothing about I actually said I was putting a price on his head.

I would NEVER do anything like to that my baby father regardless of what he’s done to me in the past and trying to run me over as that’s my kids dad and at one point my kid will start asking about him and I wouldn’t live with myself knowing my bd had been hurt or killed cuz of me. Anyway, he’s aunt is stuck on the fact that I was trying to set him up, the person that said I did this started asking for my baby fathers address and I said “I don’t know it”

I was just thinking should I tell my baby father this persons asking for his address and I told them that I didn’t know it?

I’m sick of being dragged into drama because of my baby father, being threatened because of him and that he isn’t well liked yet none of it is to do with me