Am I right or is HE???!!!

My husband is freaking out because I went out after work with a group of 5 co workers. I am 7 months pregnant. At my job we have "work husbands" and "work wives". They are clearly a joke. Anyways.... my bestie is one of ny coworkers. She was went out with us. It was also both of our "work husbands" and another girl from accounting. So, we all went to eat at Buffalo Wild Wings. They all get a drink with their meal. I dont, obviously im pregnant... lol. Anyways, we all hung out there for about 3 hours last night (friday). I get home and my husband is flipping out because I went with them. Mind you, he knew where we went and could have came, but didn't because my best friend was there. They don't like each other because she dated his brother a few years ago and it ended badly. So, my husband is freaking out because I said it would be 2 hours and it was 3... he thinks I was flirting with men at the bar. I wasn't even sitting at the bar. I was sitting with my coworkers at a table off by ourselves because we were trying to stay away from others in the Pandemic. I wore my mask the whole time when I wasn't chowing down on wings. So, does he have the right to be mad and freak out on me?

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