Why is my dog acting like this?!


Hi! I was hoping someone would be able to give me advice. My husband has a border collie and lately he has become extremely ill mannered and does not listen to ANYTHING. I honestly don’t know what to do to change his behavior. We live in the country and when we aren’t home we put him in a large outdoor kennel to make sure he stays on the property (and keep him away from his brother because they fight) and he recently learned how to unlatch the lock to get out. We’ve tried using bungie cords, extra latches, and chains but he has gotten through all of them. To make matters worse he completely tore it apart (the chain links and everything). We boarded up all the spots that we thought he was getting out through and now he just climbs it and jumps out. We have decided to keep him inside for a bit but he is even worse inside. He goes on all the furniture even tho he KNOWS he’s not allowed on them ( please don’t come for me, he is an outside country dog and rolls and animal feces all the time.) and has started getting our beds too. The main thing he does now that is really putting me over the edge is he jumps on people when he sees them and, because he’s usually getting into something gross, ruins their clothes. He is almost 9 and has always had these rules and is just now acting like everything is brand new to him. It doesn’t matter how many times we correct him, he doesn’t seem to care so I am hoping someone who has experience with this can help. Any suggestions would be appreciated!

P.s. I forgot to include what we have tried so far. We have tried catching him in the act so he knows right then and there that what he’s doing isn’t okay. We have tried positive reinforcement with treats. I also don’t want to use a shock collar on him unless that is the absolute last resort.

Please no rude comments, I’m already stressed enough with him as it is and it’s making me really dislike him and I feel terrible about it 😭