I miss having a dog.


When I was 12, my dads friend gave him a female Pomchi they had left from the litter. When I got home from school, she was in my dads front chest overall pocket. She was very tiny. I was so happy, I had been wanting a chihuahua, and she was just perfect. She was kinda sick though. She was the runt, and her tail was sort of bob tailed but she was born with it like that. She was perfect anyway.

She was so smart.

A year later she got parvo. She was so sick. We took her to the vet and he said she might not make it. I sat all night with her, trying to calm her. She would stretch out in her kennel and wail in pain. She got so weak that she would get up to go use the puppy pad and she would just fall over and lose control of her bladder. I was so scared. I gave her the meds as I was supposed to. She didn’t have the strength to eat so I would take pupcorn and soak it in water and use the extra oral syringe that came with the medicine and helped her eat. I did this for a few days and then within a week she was back to her old self.

She was my best friend. She’d go with me to my friends house, when I went to my mom’s on the weekends, she was with me when my late partner and I got our own place, she was in our wedding, there for me when him and I got a divorce and then when we got back together. We took her with us on vacation. She would open presents on Christmas, slept next to me every night. I wish she could have been there when her brother was born. When I went to introduce them, on Halloween 2018, she was limping. We took her to the vet several times. They kept saying arthritis. Even after an X-ray. The last time she saw a different vet because her leg turned purple. The vet accused us of running over her which really pissed me off but he did another X-ray and turned out it was osteosarcoma. A tumor grew rapidly and shattered her femur. 😭 I hate cancer.

November 11th after they discovered the tumor, They came back in the office and said there was nothing they could do, and she just gave me that look. I was always against euthanizing. But that look she gave me... she was constantly crying in pain. The pain meds weren’t helping. She didn’t want to suffer. But I held her head in my hands while the vet prepared the shot and told her I loved her and I was so sorry. Her head dropped and it felt like something physically touched my heart.

The only pic of my babies together

I miss her so much.