I just want to find love and feel happy again. Will it ever happen?


I was in a terrible toxic & emotionally abusive relationship for 6 years with who I thought was (and probably is) the love of my life. He made me so happy, until he didn’t. I felt like the most beautiful person in the world with so much confidence, until he broke me down. I’m now a single mom and it f*cking hurts. I met a nice guy who I really clicked with and had the most perfect date with and I stupidly hooked up with him, got feelings, and now I’m left feeling even more broken and worthless than I did because he basically has ghosted me.

I have ZERO friends. Literally no one. I’m a shell. I’m depressed. I just want to find my soulmate. I want to find love again... I don’t want to hurt anymore. Is it that hard? Am I THAT broken? (I’m in therapy but just started with someone new). I just want to cry all the time, but I keep pushing for my daughter and because I know someday I’ll find someone who actually loves me. I don’t know how to meet someone. I’m a single mom who works from home. Online dating is obviously good for hookups but I’m not good at that.

I don’t want to keep feeling this way. I don’t know what I’m asking for... other than some encouragement or positive vibes I guess. I want the smile in this picture to come back.