Birth story 37+6

Jamie • My baby girl was born baby girl born nov 29_2015
Woke up in the morning at 5am with stabbing cramping pain in the lower part of my uterus. Went to bathroom and there was bright red period blood. This scared me so I called my OBGYN. She said to come to hospital asap. ( I was having contractions about a week before I went into labor. Lower back pain, cramping, the whole bit.)
When we got to the hospital I was 2cm. They monitored the baby to make sure things were fine and made me walk for 2 hours which at that point I was only 3cm and in pain. Then they made me walk another hour, they wanted me to dilate to a 4 before they would admit me. Well 4pm came around and I was only 3.5 cm and they said if I didn't dilate to a 4 then they would send me home:-( I was so discouraged and did everything I could to progress. Did squats and walked. At 6pm my water broke and they admitted me. Holy contractions !!! I thought the pain was bad bflrenthis, and boy was I wrong! This pain after my water broke was absolutely unbearable. After 2 hours of the worst pain imaginable , ingot the epidural. Yes it hurt and made me feel so weird and tingly, but it was way better than having pain. This was at 8pm! They started a low dose of pitocin since my contractions weren't changing my cervix and inserted an INternal monitor to measure contractions . At 1am I started shaking uncontrollably so bad I was crying. Nurse new I must have been close because I couldn't stop shaking !! Well I was 9cm and almost ready to push!! Once I was 10cm the nurses taught me how to push. I had enough feeling that I could definitely feel the contractions to know when to push!! After 25 min of pushing she came out! That pain honestly wasn't that bad at all! After she was born she swallowed a lot of fluid and was choking so she couldn't be in my chest !:-( I was bleeding all much they almost had to take me to surgery. I tore super bad so that stiching was so painful. And I'm still super sore but Can say after 2 days the pain has greatly subsided! ( and the swelling) I was so overwhelmed with emotion after ward I cried uncontrollably ! Especially since I had been up in labor 24+ hours and was delusional. I was so relieved to NOT be pregnant anymore and was so excited to have my princess that I couldn't stop crying!!
Good luck to all you women!! It was the hardest (physically and emotionally ) 24 hours of my life but absolutely worth it !!
Aria Noel
6pounds 1 oz .. 21 inches long
Born at exactly 38.0 weeks